How travel industries used to work, when there was no Internet!

How travel industries used to work, when there was no Internet!

How travel industries used to work, when there was no Internet!

In simple words, the travel industry is one of the largest service industries in the world and equally important for people. This is used for the movement of people from one location to another such as transportation. Along with the transportation facility, it also includes the services required by people when they reach on the destination like accommodation, food, beverage, entertainment, etc. It is very close to the hospitality industry.

In this digitization era, technology plays a vital role. It has the capacity to increase the business and improve customer experience. The travel industry is also evolved with technology. It has made traveling much easier and more convenient. Planning a trip is a time-consuming process, but with the help of the internet, people will save time.

As we all depend on the internet when we plan to travel. We just open numerous websites or apps, start to search, and book accordingly. This all is so easy. Isn’t? But do you ever think about how the travel industry used to work when there is no internet? No? Well, let us try to explain the traditional travel industry when there is no internet available, still the industry work so well.
In an earlier era, there were travel agencies where travelers visit to plan their vacation.  A travel agency works like an agent who sells travel products and services on behalf of suppliers. They can provide service for outdoor travel including airlines, car rental, and, railway tickets. A traveler was provided their requirements to a travel agency and they were book tickets on their behalf.

In the new era, we see the changes. All the destination information is available on the internet and many online agencies working over this. The technology is so growing as a traveler can choose seats according to their preference.

Now we move on to the hospitality services which include hotel, beverage, food, entertainment, and much more. These all needed when a traveler reaches on the destination. At the time when there is no internet, the traveler was used to referring a guidebook or trusted on the mouth-wording.  They were going with the suggestion made by their trusted family members and friends.

Also, the travel industry sold the travel package to the person which includes all the hospitality services. They have printed brochures which contain all the necessary information’s about the destination. The brochures has details about hotels, services which are offered by the hotel or list of entertainment/activities. The traveler could choose with the help of the brochures. Sometimes, the travel agency may also gift some the discount on the packages.

But, today we saw the break thought, with the high-speed internet, a traveler may get the necessary information to plan a vacation on a just click. The list of hotels and services are available on many websites and apps. The most important benefit can be taken is comparing the plan with others.

In the millennium time, publicity was one of the important factors. How did people get to know about your travel agency name?  For this, the travel agent attends many seminars, print ads on newspapers, radio, televisions, place hoardings on the road, design pamphlets and distributed on public places, and many more. All these ideas are time-consuming and expensive too. A travel agent was spending high money on publicity and advertisements.  They also hire staff to do all the activities.
But the time is change now, with the help of the internet, you just need an attractive website with as much as possible travel information. Everything is available on a single platform which is less time consuming and less money consuming. Also, a single person can handle everything.

Technology is the demand now but it doesn’t mean there was no work without the internet. This is some basic information about the travel industry used to work when there was no internet. We hope this blog helps you to get to know about rapid changes in the travel industry.

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